FILE YOUR CLAIM -There are a few ways to file a claim, either call the 800 claims number or file online. You will need the date of loss (storm) file your claim under this date.

RECORD – all of the information you insurance company gives you like the CLAIM NUMBER, ADJUSTER’S NAME and NUMBER.

REMEMBER – to call your mortgage company as soon as possible and have them send you a claim packet. This will speed up the process.


ADJUSTMENT – Your insurance adjuster will visit your home to verify the damage from the storm. Titan Group LLC is able to get around 92% of claims fully approved. Claims where the homeowner is not represented will need extensive claim assistance. Please take advantage of Titan Group LLC’s ability to properly negotiate your claim settlement.

DETAILED ANALYSIS – Your Titan Group LLC Representitve will provide a detailed analysis including a Ariel Measurment, Digital Imaging, and a Full Scope of Damage.

CLAIM SUMMARY – Your insurance adjuster will provide you with an itemized scope of damage with market pricing. This may be provided at the time of adjustment or mailed to you.

Present the estimate to your Titan Group LLC representitive. Your representitive will review the estimate making sure that it is accurate. If your adjuster misses just one thing, this can make a major difference in the completion of your project.


PRODUCTS – Once you are fully approved for a full roof replacement and for repairs to the remaining damage, it is time to select your materials. Your Titan Group LLC rep will walk you through all of your options.

AGREEMENT – Once the material specification agreement is approved by you, a standard down payment of 35% will be accepted. This is needed to order the materials.

DELIVERY – Once your materials arrive at your home, please notify your Titan Representitive. Your Titan Rep will inventory the materials.

PRODUCTION – A production deposite 35% will then be collected and production will start within 48 hours of materials arriving. Weather permitting.


DEPRECIATION – Almost all insurance carriers apply depreciation to the items in your settlement. Depending on the age and condition of your roof/siding/gutters this amount will vary.

ACTUAL CASH VALUE – The ACV is the depreciated amount. You will receive a check for this amount less your deductable.

REPLACEMENT COST VALUE – The RCV is the estimated cost to complete the repairs. This is fair market pricing.

DEPRECIATION RECOVERY – TITAN Group LLC will repair or replace items included on your insurance paperwork. When we are finished with the repairs we will issue an invoice for the depreciated items that were repaired. Your will receive a check within a week or two, call your Titan rep when your receive the check.

FINAL WALK THROUGH – Upon completion of the project, your Titan rep will do a final walk through with you. At this time any repair order will be addressed. If you are 100% happy you will receive your Certificat of Completion and pay remaining balance.